Complete Computer SupportTelephone 561 845 0014   

complete computer support, inc.


December Newsletter...

"Good Business Decisions Require Accurate and Timely Information"

No matter how things change, the basic principles seem to stay the same.  Technology is evolving at an ever increasing pace each year and computer systems are storing more and more information. It is extremely important today to understand and utilize the tools available which can selectively extract key information helping you to focus on your most current business data.

SOUTHWARE's new revision 15 has enhanced the ability to see the big picture and rapidly drill down to the details, enabling us to react in a timely fashion to the changing business environment.

This month, however, I am focusing on a tool that has been available since revision 13. This is when SOUTHWARE improved the ReportMate interface for graphical users by creating an extremely simple to use tool called "FYI", which is an abbreviation of "for your information".

If you have not used "FYI" before, or do not refer to it on a regular basis, then it is time to introduce yourself to or reacquaint yourself with this powerful reporting tool.  Of course, we at CCS are here to give you a hand with the learning curve.

Training is Important

In order to maximize your software investment and utilize the available tools efficiently, it is essential to have good training.  

We are  testing a web based training class this month to see if web sessions can be an effective tool to educate our customers on general subjects.  We subscribe to “Go to Meeting” and have used this quite effectively for support encounters. We would now like to see whether there is an interest in using this tool for monthly, or possibly more frequent, training sessions on topics of interest to everyone.

A training session on using the  FYI tool is an ideal way for us to test this concept. I would therefore like to invite you to attend our first "Go to Meeting" session on Thursday, December 17, 2009 at 11 a.m.  I would like to limit this session to 12 people, initially allowing a maximum of two individuals per company.

Please click on the link below to reserve your seat at our first web session.  The session will be approximately 30 minutes, followed by a brief open discussion.

Click here to reserve your seat.