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complete computer support, inc.


September Newsletter...


Who? What? Where? Why? How Much?

All of these questions need to be answered when it is in reference to customer returns or vendor returns. But can you answer them correctly? 

With SouthWare's Return Authorization Module you can not only answers these important questions but makes finding the answer easy Return Authorization will help you:

  • Easily record each item you return to a vendor
  • Handle complex situations such as exchanges, warranties, and advance swaps
  • Track the status of returned items to identify situations that need follow up attention
  • Know whether you're expecting a vendor repair, replacement, credit, or refund
  • Automatically close your vendor returns from other modules
  • Keep track of labor reimbursement amounts owed to you by a vendor
  • Track the items you've authorized your customers to return
  • Know what you're supposed to do when you receive a particular customer return
  • Automatically create the appropriate inventory and general ledger adjustments as you process returns
  • Inquire and report on the status and handling of customer/vendor returns
  • Be confident that your return situations are under control

 Call us to find out more about Return Authorization.

Tip of the Month


Archiving documents within SouthWare

You can archive copies of selected forms without printing and filing paper copies.  This feature (available since Rev. 12 for graphical users) can be activated by using the SouthWare Forms module. 

This feature will automatically create a PDF copy of a printed form that you send to customers and vendors. You can then use this PDF document as a replacement or on-line supplement for the paper copies you currently keep. You may also print or email the PDF document if you later need to provide a copy to a customer. 

If you archive invoices, in AR04 under invoice detail / zoom view, you can view the archived PDF document.